The Ritsumeikan University Study Abroad Program at the University of Hawai'i has been created with the needs and interests of Science and Engineering students. The program focuses on Hawaiian culture, science, engineering, and academic research and reporting. While at the University of Hawai'i, students will attend:
Goals for this program include students:
The University of Hawai'i was chosen for this program because, in addition to being a neighbor across the Pacific with a unique and rich culture, it has many leading Science and Engineering departments.
Grades will be based on the following:
2 Strategy Sessions | These pre-departure orientations will help students prepare for life in Hawai'i both in and out of the classroom. | 5 percent |
Participation in Science, Engineering, and Hawaiian Culture Lectures | Students are expected to fully participate in each lecture. This includes coming to class on time, listening attentively, taking notes, and asking at least one question to each lecturer. | 30 percent |
Participation in Academic Research and Reporting Skills Workshops | Students are expected to fully participate in each workshop. This includes coming to class on time, listening attentively, taking notes, researching their topic, and reporting their results. | 55 percent |
1 Poster Presentation | The Poster Presentation is an opportunity for students to share their research with other students at Ritsumeikan University. | 10 percent |
No textbook is required for this course. All materials will be provided by your instructors. Some documents will be distributed through a shared class Google Drive folder.
Pre-departure strategy sessions will be scheduled for December and early January, depending on the availability of the students.
The schedule for the University of Hawai'i portion of the program will be released in late January or early February. The schedule for the most recent program is available below. Please note that the previous schedule was based on a 32 day program pre-covid. The 2024-2025 program will be a three week program to allow for more students to participate at a reduced cost.
The Poster Presentations will be scheduled in the mid-April of 2025, depending on the availability of the students.
90% or more, A+; 80-89%, A; 70-79%, B; 60-69%, C; below 60%, F
NOTE: At the end of the third year, you will be taking a TOEIC-IP exam. You will then be re-streamed for your fourth-year courses based on the results of this TOEIC-IP and the numerical average of your third-year English courses. Therefore, it is important to strive for not only a high letter grade, but also for the highest numerical grade that you are capable of.
Students are expected to submit assignments in a timely fashion. Failure to submit timely may result in a reduction of the student’s overall grade. Students will be penalized 3 demerits for each non- submission and 1 demerit for each late submission. Students who accumulate more than 15 'demerits' (the equivalent of 5 absences) will receive an unsatisfactory grade ('F') for the course. As a rule, no make-up work will be given for unexcused absences.
You are required to use an English-English dictionary for your exercises. The following is a list of quality paper dictionaries for English language learners. You may use any other dictionary or you may elect to use an electronic dictionary.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Oxford University Press.The following will be considered violations of our academic honesty policy:
Any of the above violations will result in a score of 0 for ALL exercises on that day, as well as forfeiting your chance for extra-credit.
上記、および上記に類する「不正行為」があった場合は、当該学生の当該科目における、その日の得点を0点にするとともに、Extra-credit pointsはすべて無効になります。