English Diploma Course 1 (Scientific Writing Strategies)

Course Schedule

Class Weekly Tasks Writing Modules Papers/Presentation OEL Agenda
1 Orientation and Collaboration Tools  
2 Research/Abstract        
3 Workshop        
4 Introduction     1+ Online Exercise Library  
5 References Writing Assignment Module 1
6 Workshop        
7 Workshop Writing Assignment Module 2
8 Workshop        
9 Methods Writing Assignment Module 3
10 Workshop        
11 Results/Conclusion Writing Assignment Module 4
12 Workshop        
13 Presentation Workshop Writing Assignment Module 5
14 Presentation   Final Research Paper/
(Research Team)
15 Presentation   Presentations
(Research Team)

Course Can-do Goals

Writing Skills

  1. I can distinguish the differences among the main elements of a research report (abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references).
  2. I can identify the 5 elements of an abstract (background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion/recommendation).
  3. I can write a Literature Review.
  4. I can quote short sections of text for academic use.
  5. I can quote longer sections of text for academic use.
  6. I can summarize longer texts without losing essential information.
  7. I can use complex structures, spelling and sentence mechanics with fairly good control, although my sentences may sound ‘foreign’ to English readers.
  8. I can properly format references for a research report.

IT Skills: Google Docs

  1. I can create a Google account and use that account in English.
  2. I can send and receive email using Gmail.
  3. I can contribute to a shared document using GoogleDocs.
  4. I can create a document and share it with others using GoogleDocs.
  5. I can make a presentation using Google presentation software.

Academic Skills

  1. I can identify the differences between academic and nonacademic source materials.
  2. I can find academic source materials at the BKC library.
  3. I can identify and use academic source materials for a research report.
  4. I can identify the important parts of a lecture and take notes in English.
  5. I can follow written instructions in class.
  6. I can follow verbal instructions in class.
  7. I can paraphrase or reword short sections of a lecture or instructions.
  8. I can use a thesaurus properly.

Speaking Skills

  1. I can participate in a small group discussion and express my opinions, feelings and reservations about a topic.
  2. I can give clear instructions and directions related to moderately complex, familiar, technical and non-technical tasks.
  3. I can comfortably speak formally or informally, on topics involving problem-solving or decision-making. I can make a detailed comparison.
  4. I can research, develop and deliver a 10-minute presentation.
  5. I can use a variety of sentence structures and idioms.
  6. I can correct myself or rephrase what I said when I know that people do not understand me.
  7. I can use a variety of strategies to keep the conversation or discussion going.

Listening Skills

  1. I can understand the main points and important details of a discussion, presentation, or news clip.
  2. I can identify the situation, relationship, mood and attitude of the people I listen to.
  3. I can understand formal discussions, informal discussions, and presentations on familiar topics if I am involved in the discussions and presentations.
  4. I can understand more complex vocabulary and less-common idioms.
  5. I can understand routine, classroom-related conversation.
  6. I can understand native speakers when they speak quickly to one another, although I might still have trouble.

Reading Skills

  1. I can read authentic text that is 1–2 pages long and moderately complex. I can locate and integrate, or compare and contrast information from a variety of visually complex sources.
  2. I can follow everyday instructional texts containing 10 – 15 steps.
  3. I can use an English-English dictionary, but mostly for confirmation and precision.
  4. I can read and understand both concrete and abstract language, dealing with facts, opinions and feelings.
  5. I can sometimes infer the meaning of a new word by the context or by the use of prefixes and suffixes in the word.
  6. I can paraphrase and summarize the main points of a reading section.