Discussion Skills

Course Schedule

Class Unit Stage Quiz/
1 Orientation  
2 Unit 1 Unit Article Preparation    
3 Unit 1 Discussion Presentations I    
4 Unit 1 Discussion Presentations II    
5 Unit 2 Unit Article Preparation    
6 Unit 2 Discussion Presentations I    
7 Unit 2 Discussion Presentations II    
8 Unit 3 Unit Article Preparation    
9 Unit 3 Discussion Presentations I    
10 Unit 3 Discussion Presentations II    
11     Quiz (Units 1-3)
12     Presentation  
13 Unit 1 Poster Presentations    
14 Unit 2 Poster Presentations    
15 Unit 3 Poster Presentations    

Course Can-do Goals

Reading Skills

  1. I can read a moderately complex 700~1200 word article.
  2. I can quickly find the information that I’m looking for in an article.
  3. I can quickly get the gist of an article.
  4. I can read and understand both concrete and abstract language, dealing with facts, opinions and feelings.
  5. I can determine if an article contains bias.
  6. I can identify the key words of an article.
  7. I can paraphrase and summarize the key points of an article.
  8. I can properly identify and use comprehension questions and discussion/research questions.
  9. I can judge the reliability of an article based on its source, purpose, and biases.

Discussion Skills

  1. I can participate in a small group discussion and express my opinions, feelings and reservations about a topic.
  2. I can lead a small group discussion, expressing my opinions and eliciting opinions from other group members.
  3. I can correct myself or rephrase what I said when I know that people do not understand me.
  4. I can use a variety of sentence structures and idioms.
  5. I can ask people to repeat when I don’t understand.
  6. I can use a number of strategies to keep a conversation going.
  7. I can agree or disagree with another person’s opinions.

Presentation Skills: Creating a Presentation

  1. I can follow the basic presentation pattern to create a poster presentation.
  2. I can properly organize the slides for a poster presentation.
  3. I can identify information that should be presented in a chart or graph.
  4. I can properly cite my sources.

Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation

  1. I can follow the basic presentation pattern to deliver a poster presentation.
  2. I can make eye contact effectively when delivering a poster presentation.
  3. I can use gestures effectively when delivering a poster presentation.
  4. I can speak loudly and clearly when delivering a poster presentation.
  5. I can effectively control my pace when delivering a poster presentation.
  6. I can give an honest answer to a question from an audience member.

Presentation Skills: Attending a Presentation

  1. I can understand a poster presentation on a familiar subject.
  2. I can provide constructive positive feedback on a poster presentation.
  3. I can provide constructive negative feedback on a poster presentation.
  4. I can properly identify myself when asking a question to a presenter.
  5. I can ask relevant questions to a presenter.
  6. I can thank a presenter for their presentation and for answering my question.

IT Skills

  1. I can use critical browsing skills to quickly find information on a web site.
  2. I can use advanced searching techniques to quickly find information on the internet.
  3. I can use word-processing software to create a worksheet for an academic discussion.
  4. I can use presentation software to create a poster presentation.
  5. I can choose an effective design in presentation software for my presentation content.
  6. I can use data-processing software to create a chart or graph.